29 jun 2011

The Gran Jaguar

The "Temple of the Gran Jaguar" or "Temple I", is a funerary-ceremonial temple, built in 700 AD by the Maya civilization, with the main building of the Mayan city Tikal, located in Peten, Guatemala.
The temple was built under the rule of Hasaw Cha'an Kawil (682-721 AD), also known as Ah Cacao and served as a tomb for him. The temple was used for various ritual ceremonies, and considered the gateway to the underworld.
Location: Located in the Gran Plaza of Tikal
Height: 45 meters
Shape: pyramidal, with 9 decks or platforms and a ladder that runs from bottom to top.
The exterior decorations include the wooden lintels.Tikal's architecture is characterized by inset corners accentuate the effect of light and shadow.

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