30 may 2011


Hello everyone!
Today, I’m going to tell you about one of the several times I have visited a Farm named “Patzulin”, this farm is located to the west of our country: Guatemala!!!.... This place is totally lovely and very natural; from the main house in the farm you can see the Santamaria and Santiaguito volcanoes. The lands here have been used for planting coffee and nuts, the legend tells us that in the past, the farmers prayed and asked to their guardian Volcanoes rain for their crops.

From the rooms, at nights you can hear the sounds of birds, and if you are lucky, in the morning you can see the volcanoes in the horizon, they seem to be are very close.  I’ve been lucky because every time that I’ve been there I’ve seen the volcanoes and a totally majestic landscape.

Leonel López
Course Nine.

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