27 may 2011

Guatemala's Natural Wonders...

Hi guys!!

Our next topic is: Guatemala's Natural Wonders..!

It's a very nice topic and most of us have something to share about a place we've visited or an experience or adventure we've lived in our country, so...I'll start.

One of my favorite places in Guatemala is Chimaltenango..
In Chimaltenango there's a place called Comalapa.
I think that many people haven't really seen the beauty of the places there...
One of the times I went there, I went with my friend Flo and some other guys I met there...

The school year was starting and we wanted to clear our heads and have some contact with nature, so we went for a Mayan ceremony...!
It was awesome, something I hadn't done before and exciting.
We woke up really early... at around 4:30 am and started walking up a hill that would take us to one of the altars.

One of my favorite parts of the experience was walking in the woods so early; you can hear all the birds, breathe fresh air and simply admire nature and I also had the chance to take some of my favorite pictures...!

Beautiful sunrise... 

This is one of my favorite pictures... !!

When we finished the ceremony, we shared breakfast and walked down, feeling great and ready to start our school year..

If you want to visit a wonderful place and have some contact with nature, I recommend Comalapa... You'll love it..! 

Lilly Solares
HH's A.C.

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