26 sept 2013


By Roberto Silvestre - @rsilvestregt 
At the middle year school vacations, we took a trip to the south of our country, we went to Monterrico and had an amazing time in a beautiful place in the beach; it was a place with cabins near the beach, with a little pool for each cabin.
Each day my kids woke up and immediately went to de pool, they loved the place; the weather was perfect, the water in the pool was too, and we spent an amazing time there.
We went to the beach several times; Monterrico is a black sand beach on the Pacific Ocean, I think it is one of the least visited beaches, but the beach and the waves are great; unfortunately my little kid was scared about the waves, then we only played a few moments near the waves.
We also went to the turtles hatchery, but we only found other species as river turtles, iguanas (a lot of mosquitoes, this was the unpleasant side), but no sea turtles, the people in charge of the place said us that is not the time for sea turtles. However we spent a great time there, and we are planning to come back when we can see sea turtles.
After four days at the beach, we came back to the city; not without visiting the Auto Safari Chapin, an amazing zoo. My wife had always asked me to visit that zoo; she went when she was child, but I hadn’t, I didn't know what I was losing.
I think finishing the trip with the visit to the zoo was the perfect way to wrap up our trip; we are planning to redo this trip with more time, and maybe invite the grandpas.


By Roberto Silvestre - @rsilvestregt
Guatemalan culture is rich in a lot of things; most of them are because the ancient Mayan Culture bequeathed us.

The Mayan Pyramids are one of the Guatemala’s human wonders, not only for their towering amazing presence; but also for the intellectual achievements of the people in the design, construction and uses of those pyramids.

During their Classic Period when Europe was in the Dark Ages, the Mayan developed a sophisticated writing system and grasped the concept of zero, enabling them to express stories and do large numerical sums, it means that in math they preceded several civilizations.

They were master astronomers, using the pyramid not only as temples but also as observatories; in fact, the pyramids were built following a structure and position according to the position of the stars. The advance about astronomy, math and writing makes the Mayan Pyramids, one of the human wonders of the world.


By Roberto Silvestre - @rsilvestregt

In the municipality of Jacaltenango, department of Huehuetenango, there is a natural wonder, the Blue River (Río Azul); named like this for the clear blue color of its water.

The river is born in Concepción Huista as a little clear river, and its flow increases for the effluents that join the river; when it goes through the Jacaltenango lands it gets the clear blue color that characterizes it;  this part of the route is characterized by rapids that don’t allow you to swim or navigate. Before getting lost in Mexico the river gains more flow but less rapids, that is perfect for rafting and in some parts for swimming; at this point the water is crystal clear again.

For jacaltec people, a Mayan descendant village, the Blue River is called "Ha' Niman" in Jacaltec language it means "big water". Unfortunately population growth, deforestation, uses of the river for irrigation, and other water uses are decreasing the water flow.

The Blue River is one of the Guatemala's natural wonders you must have to visit.